Support the Great Commission


November 2nd, 2024
Renaissance Hotel
15201 Dallas Parkway  75248

High school officials fired football Coach Joe Kennedy because he prayed a brief, quiet prayer
after football games. In January 2022, the Supreme Court agreed to hear the case and
ultimately ruled in favor of Coach Joe, leading to his rehiring. The soon-to-be-released movie,
‘Average Joe’ recounts his faith journey from foster kid to 20-year Marine Corps veteran and
taking a legal stand to defend freedom and religious liberty for all Americans.

BOB LILLY – Mr. Cowboy
The first player drafted by the Dallas Cowboys in 1961, played 14 seasons and earned the
nickname ‘Mr. Cowboy.’ A two-time All-American at Texas Christian University, he helped win
the Southwest Conference. Lilly was a seven-time All-Pro and the first inductee into the Dallas
Cowboys Ring of Honor in 1975. He entered the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1980 College
Football Hall of Fame in 1981.